We use CryoHEMT transistors since about a decade for high resolution charge measurement in cryogenic germanium detector. They are robust and have reproducible performance. We have tested them from 4K to 20mK and are using them for their excellent voltage and current noise. We improved our resolution by about 1 order of magnitude with respect to our previous Si-JFET based electronics. (2023/11/29)
Alex Juillard (Research engIneer, IP2I Lyon/CNRS)
We use these HEMTs for our low temperature MHz scanning tunneling microscope. The performance is unique, especially the low current noise on the input! They are also expertly characterized, which is important when building custom electronics. These HEMT amplifiers really have allowed us to do experiments that would be impossible otherwise. (2020/02/07)
Milan Allan (head of Allan Lab @ Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands)
We have been using CRYOHEMT amplifiers since 2013. None of our past experiments since that time would have been possible without them and they are now systematically installed on any new experience we design. Remarkably, we did not need to replace any amplifier since 2013 and they have an excellent stability in time. (2019/09/18)
Gwendal Fève (Professor of Physics, ENS, Paris, France)
The amplifier from CRYOHEMT allowed us to maximize the performance of the low temperature MHz circuitry we use to measure current noise at the atomic scale. Its characteristics are remarkably constant over time, even after numerous temperature cycles from 1K to room temperature. I highly recommend them to anyone interested in low temperature amplification. (2019/09/17)
Freek Massee (CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay, France)
These HEMT amplifiers are fantastic. They enabled us to develop a new
Adrian Bachtold (Professor of ICFO, Barcelona, Spain)
detection method of the vibrations of nanotube mechanical resonators
with unprecedented level. It works extremely well, so that we
implemented these HEMT amplifiers in all our cryostats. (2019/09/13)
We use these unique devices for measuring the noise in quantum
Frédéric Pierre (CNRS research director at C2N, Palaiseau, France)
circuits. Already six years of repeated cooldowns from ambiant to mK
temperatures and these HEMTs are just as good as day 1! (2019/09/12)